Sunday 3/22/15
Warm Ups: 10 x 45, 5 x 95, 3 x 135, 1 x 165, 1 x 185
Work Sets: 205 x 5 x 5
Dips – 4 sets to failure
Lying Tricep Ext w/ DBs – 4 x 8-10
Cable Pressdowns 1 x 20
It. Has. Been. A. While. Haven’t Pressed in a good long while, and my shoulders were well aware of that fact today. Yikes. Strength is down a bit, but not totally in the tank. Mainly the conditioning is off. First rep blasts up like I’m gonna get 10, and then I’m grinding out 4 and 5. Overall a good session.
Diet has been fairly consistent. Still sticking with a 4 meal per day plan. First 3 meals have been clean with the last meal of the day being a free meal of basically whatever I want within reason. Gonna need to clean up that last meal here pretty soon.